Confidence in expressing oneself

Initially all of the participants were reserved in expressing themselves, talking about themselves, and sharing topics of interest to them. This was evident from the team building exercise called ‘2 truths and 1 lie’ in session one. This exercise was very hard work.

In order to address this quickly the programme was changed around and the Members’ Committee session was brought forward. The idea was to get the participants to work on being confident in expressing themselves, their opinions, and their thoughts.

With an increase in their ability to express their opinions and the development of their assertiveness skills by the 3rd session each of the participants had no trouble expressing themselves. In fact it became difficult getting them to stop talking about what they liked, what they didn’t like and talking during the sessions from there after.

Boundary setting

In order to deal with boundary setting this was linked to Personal Awareness and Awareness of Others. This entailed not only increasing their awareness of the impact they can have on each other but also making them aware that by setting boundaries in what they say and do can improve their peer relationships.

Whilst this was successful at times they did cross boundaries and annoyed each or irritated each other.

How to set boundaries and keep them active was seriously discussed in the sexual health session. This session explored relationships and how to keep unwarranted advances at a distance that is comfortable without boundaries being crossed.

Ability to work with other young people and on one’s own

The participants have stated in their Take up the Challenge Award booklets that they feel they are better able to work with other young people. This is clearly a case of increased self-confidence and awareness of others.

However, is also because of the development of their ability to put forward their best side so this is what peers see instead of the character traits and academic weaknesses that they are not confident about.


Presentation skills

Whist the young people had no problem in talking to each other across the table or when sitting next to each other they were still reluctant to stand and present to the group. This was addressed in the public speaking session.

The participants were shown how to present general information about themselves to a group. This was achieved with great success. All participants did 2 presentations and all participants stood at the head of the table in front of everyone.